
If you are a dreamer..

Saturday, 14 January 2012


It is a Sunday afternoon the day I begin to work on my blog. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. And I am almost surprised at how easy it is. 
Outside it is cold and the tips of my fingers and toes feel the chill. Today is Makar Sankranti, the day the Sun passes into Capricorn. The days will grow longer from on now and hopefully the nights will grow warmer. It is queer, how when I am going about Life in general, there are so many words float into my head, but when I sit down, and try to put them on paper or print, they float back out and none suggest themselves to me. 
I want  this blog to be a place people can find bits of themselves in, because I am a collage of so many different moods, temperaments and colors. Everyone is. So this first post shall be a collage. Apologies to those who would take offense at the scattering of thoughts and ideas. That is often how my head works.
I want this blog to be a place for people to lose themselves in. There is nothing quite so delightful as losing yourself in another world built up of words crafted and woven together well. It is a delight to weave words too. I have often re read my old diaries to find the girl that once was, the one that still is and the one that may be in the future.
I want this blog to be a place of repose and of inspiration. A place of the joys and sorrows of everyday life. Of finding myself, and also of creating myself.
"Where the mind is without fear, and the head is held high.
....Where words come out of the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection."
Tagore is one of my favorite poets. 
I am learning to let go of fear.