
If you are a dreamer..

Monday, 18 June 2012


It has rained today.
   The air smells fresh.
   I loved the rains as a child. I reveled in the first shower of the season .
Ran up to my friend's terrace,out into the courtyard, into the balcony,leaned out the window, all for the joy of touching the water that descended from the sky above. 
It seemed like magic to me. I laughed at the joy of raindrops splashing onto my upturned face, trying to catch one in my mouth. I loved the freshness of the colours of the leaves and flowers around, washed clean of the gritty dust they would be usually covered in.
I loved the cool, clean taste of the air after the hot,humid, blazing stillness that precedes a shower. I jumped wholeheartedly into puddles that formed in our school, my courtyard, much to the disgust of other, more dignified persons.
    The perfume of wet earth after the first shower is yet to me the best perfume in the world. I would sniff and sniff like an enthusiastic puppy, trying to drink in as much of the smell as I could. The world is a wondrous place when you are new to it.
     I remember a particularly eventful day when some school friends and I once got caught in a downpour. We had only one umbrella between six of us. Splashing through puddles, running for shelter, trying to shop for jeans in a half soaked state, worrying about dripping all over the shop floor and walking out without buying anything in the end. It still makes me laugh when I think back to it.   
    For the past two years, I've been mostly worried about how much acid the first rain would contain,how the water would ruin my hair, the general state the roads will get into,the annoyance of having to carry a raincoat or an umbrella every where. 
Sunny summer days suddenly start seeming appealing - I'm used to the heat by now, atleast it doesn't turn the roads into a mess! I've been so busy complaining that I've learnt to forget how I loved the rains. I've noticed that whenever I start complaining about something, little by little, I learn to forget the things I appreciate about it. And one day only the complaints remain and the beauty of that something lies forgotten in a dusty recess of my mind. So its about time I stopped, and laughed again at the joy of raindrops splashing onto my face, leaning out of a train, watching the freshly laundered countryside rush by.  
The roads will remain messy; but the air will still be cooler,the leaves of the laburnum a delightful lime green,its flowers a soft, glowing, golden. The rain splashing onto my face will still be magical,a gift from the heavens. It is good to remember to see the world through a child's eyes once in a while.

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